- Adult social care - Financial assessment enquiry
- Adult social care - Make a professional non-emergency referral
- Adult social care - Make a professional safeguarding referral
- Adult social care - Request assessment
- Allotments - Apply to add a shed or greenhouse
- Allotments - Apply to rent an allotment
- Allotments - Pay an invoice
- Animal welfare - Pay for an animal welfare service
- Archives - Pay Southampton archives
- Arts and heritage - School and group enquiry
- Bins - Assisted waste collection service
- Bins - Cancel clinical waste collection
- Bins - Change the size of your bin
- Bins - Report a bin as lost, damaged or stray
- Bins - Report a missed bin collection
- Bins - Report bins left out on non-collection days
- Bins - Report missed clinical waste collection
- Bins - Request a sharps collection
- Bins - Request emptying of a bottle bank
- Blue Badge - Pay for a Blue Badge
- Blue Badge - Submit an enquiry
- Building control - Get a quote
- Building control - Make a site inspection request
- Building control - Notify us of proposed demolition works
- Building control - Pay for a building control service
- Building control - Report a dangerous structure
- Building control - Request domestic buildings and works exemption
- Bulky waste - Book a bulky waste collection
- Business rates - Application for discretionary rate relief for non-profit organisations
- Business rates - Application for mandatory (charitable) rate relief
- Business rates - Apply for Solent Freeport business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay a bill
- Business rates - Request for Small Business Rate Relief
- CAREline - Information request
- CCTV - Apply to request closed-circuit television footage
- Ceremonies - Notes for ceremony
- Ceremonies - Notes for civil partnership ceremony
- Ceremonies - Order new citizen medals
- Child employment - Report a concern about child employment
- Child performance - Report a concern about child performance
- Children Missing Education referral
- Commercial waste - Report a missed collection
- Commercial waste - Request a quote
- Commercial waste - Trade sack order
- Community safety - Report an antisocial behaviour incident
- Community safety - Report an unauthorised campsite
- Complaint form: Code of conduct for councillors
- Council Tax - Apply for a care leaver reduction
- Council Tax - Apply for student discount or exemption (landlord)
- Council Tax - Care worker discount
- Council Tax - Change of occupants
- Council Tax - Change of tenants
- Council Tax - Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
- Council Tax - Notification of an unoccupied property
- Council Tax - Notification of structural alterations
- Council Tax - Notify us of a bereavement in your household
- Council Tax - Pay a Council Tax bill
- Council Tax - Prisoner discount or exemption
- Council Tax - Providing care elsewhere
- Council Tax - Receiving care elsewhere
- Council Tax - Reduction for disabled persons
- Council Tax - Religious communities discount or exemption
- Council Tax - Removal of a discount or exemption
- Council Tax - Single person discount
- Council Tax - Student discount or exemption
- Council Tax - Submit a second home review
- Council Tax - Submit an arrangement proposal
- Council Tax - Submit an enquiry
- COVID-19 - Register to be a community champion
- Early years - Contact the Family Information Service (FIS)
- Early years - Make a referral to the Childcare Brokerage Service
- Early years - Refer a child to the SEND and Portage Early Years Specialist Service
- Early years - Submit an early years and childcare job vacancy
- Education - Apply for Inclusion Support Fund (ISF)
- Education - Apply for mainstream school travel support
- Education - Apply to be a HAF provider
- Education - Book Coach Carrot
- Education - Elective home education parent notification
- Education - Elective home education school notification
- Education - Enquire about educational psychology
- Education - Holiday activities and food (HAF) professionals referral
- Education - Holiday activities and food (HAF) self-referral (SEN specific)
- Education - Inclusion Support Fund (ISF) evaluation
- Education - Nominate a HAF ambassador
- Education - Register for Southampton Supported Internship forum
- Education - Register for the Buzz Network
- Education - Young carer self referral
- Entry clearance visa and settlement application - Home survey report
- Environmental health - Appeal food hygiene rating
- Environmental health - Apply for a public weighbridge certificate
- Environmental health - Food hygiene rating scheme: request a re-visit
- Environmental health - Make an Environmental Information Request (EIR)
- Environmental health - Make or change a cooling tower notification
- Environmental health - Report a hygiene safety concern
- Environmental health - Report a lost or stray dog
- Environmental health - Report local nuisance or concern
- Environmental issues - Report flooding
- Events - Apply for Southampton filming permit
- Events - Apply to organise events and promotions in Southampton
- Facilities - Report an issue in a public toilet
- Family Hub - Register with your nearest centre
- Finance - Request an AllPay card
- Fire safety - Report a concern about a council high rise building
- Fire safety - Request a risk assessment
- Fly tipping - Pay a fixed penalty notice
- FOI submission form
- Fostering - Could you foster?
- Hairdresser or barber registration
- Hawthorns Urban Wildlife Centre - School and group enquiry
- HEYA - Healthy Early Years Awards registration
- Highways - Apply for a temporary traffic regulation order (TTRO)
- Highways - Pay an invoice
- HMO - Apply for and renew HMO licence
- HMO - Make a Stage 2 payment
- Holiday, Activity and Food Programme referral
- Housing (Council tenants) - Special decorating scheme application
- Housing - 60+ floating support service referral
- Housing - Apply for a garage or parking space
- Housing - Change a housing register application
- Housing - Change or cancel a repair appointment
- Housing - Chase an existing housing repair
- Housing - Contact your local housing office
- Housing - Dispute a housing repair invoice
- Housing - Enquire about a lease extension
- Housing - Get involved with tenant engagement
- Housing - Homelessness advice
- Housing - Nominate someone to speak up for you (advocate)
- Housing - Notice of intent to vacate property
- Housing - Pay a charge on your housing account
- Housing - Pay deposit for shared ownership property
- Housing - Pay for leasehold property enquiry
- Housing - Permission request
- Housing - Private rented service request
- Housing - Property condition assessment (private tenants)
- Housing - Report a repair - For council tenants and leaseholders
- Housing - Report suspected tenancy fraud
- Housing - Tenant training bookings
- Housing - Update contact details on the Housing Register
- Housing Benefit - Apply for discretionary payment
- Housing Benefit - Council Tax - Nil income statement
- Housing Benefit - Income and expenses
- Housing Benefit - Occupation confirmation
- Housing Benefit - Pay back an overpayment
- Housing Benefit - Self-employed questionnaire
- Housing Benefit - Temporary absence statement
- Housing benefits - Submit an enquiry
- HR - Volunteer expenses
- Jobs - Apply as casual elections staff
- Jobs - Apply for a work experience placement
- Jobs - Apply to be a canvasser
- Jobs - Request to advertise a vacancy (third party)
- Jobs - Volunteering application
- Junior neighbourhood warden - Agency referral
- Junior neighbourhood warden - Application
- Junior neighbourhood warden - Project idea submission
- Land charges - Book personal search
- Land charges - Order a local land charges search or product
- Libraries - Apply to be a library volunteer
- Libraries - Ask us a question
- Libraries - Suggest an item for purchase
- Licensing - Application for a minor variation to a premises licence or club premises certificate
- Licensing - Application for variation of the designated premises supervisor
- Licensing - Application to transfer a premises licence
- Licensing - Apply for a personal licence
- Licensing - Apply for a premises licence
- Licensing - Apply for a provisional statement
- Licensing - Apply for an acupuncture, tattooing, piercing and/or electrolysis licence
- Licensing - Apply for or renew a dog breeding licence
- Licensing - Apply for or to change a highway projection licence
- Licensing - Apply for, change, or surrender a skip operator licence
- Licensing - Apply for, extend, change or surrender a highway occupation licence
- Licensing - Apply for, renew, change, transfer or surrender a petroleum storage certificate
- Licensing - Apply to vary a premises licence
- Licensing - Change or surrender an acupuncture, tattooing, piercing and/or electrolysis licence
- Licensing - Notification of interest in premises
- Licensing - Pay an invoice
- Licensing - Register as a chaperone
- Licensing - Tables and chairs on highway
- Licensing - Temporary Event Notice (TEN)
- Littering - Pay a fixed penalty notice
- Parenting, training and community learning course referral
- Parking - Apply for a 12 month Zone 21 business permit
- Parking - Apply for decrementing card
- Parking - Apply for essential visitor's permit
- Parking - Apply for medical permit
- Parking - Apply for new residents' permit
- Parking - Apply for suburban business permit
- Parking - Apply for, reline or remove a disabled person's parking bay
- Parking - Apply to change vehicle details on a parking permit
- Parking - Apply to renew a residents' parking permit
- Parking - Apply to suspend a Pay and Display bay
- Parking - Evening parking charges refund request
- Parking - Order a city centre residents' season ticket (on-street)
- Parking - Order a resident evening and weekend season ticket
- Parking - Order a residents' off street, anytime season ticket
- Parking - Order an anytime or overnight season ticket
- Parking - Order visitors parking permits
- Parking - Pay a parking fine
- Parking - Report a faulty parking machine
- Parking - Report incorrectly parked vehicle
- Parking - Report parking fraud and alleged misuse of Blue Badges or parking permits
- Parking - Request access to moving traffic area
- Parking - Residents' parking request
- Parking - Submit an enquiry
- Parking - Waiting restriction request
- Parks - Apply for a commemorative bench plaque
- Parks - Green volunteer enquiry
- Parks - Register for Creepy Crawlies
- Parks - Register interest in a light refreshment concession
- Parks - Report an issue in a park or play area
- Parks - Volunteer at the Hawthorns
- Payments - Donate to a cultural venue
- Payments - Financial statement
- Payments - Pay a housing civil penalty notice
- Payments - Pay a pension signing fee
- Payments - Pay a StartPoint bill (Sholing Nursery)
- Payments - Pay an invoice
- Payments - PHILIS - Southampton Port Health
- Payments - Property payment plan
- Pest control - Request an appointment or treatment
- Planning - Make a high hedge complaint for private land
- Planning - Pay an invoice for Community Infrastructure Levy
- Planning - Pay for a planning service
- Planning - Pre-application advice
- Planning - Report an enforcement breach
- Planning - Street name and numbering application
- Planning - Sustainability checklist
- Pledge support to the Toy Appeal
- Private Fostering - Notification
- Register office - Ceremony enquiry
- Register office - Request a copy of a birth certificate
- Register office - Request a copy of a civil partnership certificate
- Register office - Request a copy of a death certificate
- Register office - Request a copy of a marriage certificate
- Roads - Access Protection Marking (H Bar) application
- Roads - Dropped kerb application
- Roads - Pay for a street works notice
- Roads - Report a damaged bus shelter
- Roads - Report a highway issue
- Roads - Report a pothole
- Roads - Report a road safety concern
- Roads - Report an abandoned vehicle
- Roads - Report street cleaning issue
- School flexi arrangement notification
- School transport - Request to change contact details
- Schools - Education outside of normal age group application
- Schools - Healthy and sustainable schools audit
- Schools - Late application
- Schools - Make an admissions appeal
- Schools - Moving house notification
- Schools - Pay a non-attendance penalty notice
- Shared lives - Southampton shared lives scheme
- SmartCities - Apply for a business account (Itchen Bridge)
- SmartCities - Apply for or renew a disabled person's bus pass
- SmartCities - Pay for a lost card
- SmartCities - Top up your card
- SmartCities - Upgrade an existing card for use on the Itchen Bridge
- Social issues - Report abuse or concerns about an adult
- Stronger Communities Team - Register for community news
- Subject Access Request
- Taxi licensing - Apply for or renew a hackney carriage driver's licence
- Taxi licensing - Apply for or renew a private hire driver's licence
- Taxi licensing - Change of address - Southampton
- Taxis - Make a complaint against a hackney carriage or private hire taxi
- Training - Pay for workforce development training
- Training support - Book a course
- Trees - Report a tree in a dangerous condition
- Trees - Report suspected illegal tree works
- Trees - Request to plant or protect a tree
- Trees - Request works to a nuisance tree
- Trees for life